House Rules

House Rules

    • Residents must actively work or be in the process of seeking employment a week after intake.

    • 90 meetings in the first 90 days

    • 5 meetings/week after first 90 days

    • Weekly drug test

    • Must have a sponsor within the first 2 weeks

    • 11pm Curfew (Weekdays) , 12am Curfew (Friday-Saturday)

    • No drugs or alcohol

    • Medication to be approved and counted

    • Abuse of prescription medications will result in immediate expulsion

    • Smoking allowed out back only

    • 48 hour “Buddy System” for new intakes

    • Residents must be up with beds made by 9am and off property by 9:30am

    • Mandatory house meeting on Wednesdays at 8:30pm (Work is not an excuse to miss)

    • Tolerance is a must. Any resident bullying, racism, or hate speech will be expelled.

    • Fighting will result in immediate expulsion and may result in legal charges.

    • Resident responsible to keep personal space clean

    • Chores assigned weekly and is resident’s responsibility for the week.

    • Visitors must be approved. Verified sponsors are allowed on premises.

    • No fire arms

    • No strip clubs, casinos, hookah bars, kratom cafes

    • Bikes to be kept in garage only and bikes provided by POLR are to be locked & signed out at all times. Stolen or broken bikes will be the responsibility of the signed tenant to repair or replace.

    • Dishes to be washed immediately

    • Eat your food, not your roommates

    • Rent due every Friday, unless approved otherwise.